The Dublin Adult Learning Centre (DALC) is a dedicated Basic Education Centre, located in the heart of Dublin’s North East Inner City.  From our beautiful Georgian building at 3 Mountjoy Square, we provide a wide range of courses to approximately 600 students annually.

Our courses include basic literacy, communications, maths, technology and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Most of our students are either early school leavers or did not attend school in their countries of origin. Our students are drawn from the local communities, both old and new.

DALC is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee (clg). While DALC was established in 1997, it took over the work of the Dublin Literacy Scheme, which had been running from Mountjoy Square since the 1970s.  We are proud of our long history of adult education in this historic building in service of people in the North Inner City.

What we do for our students

We provide a warm, understanding and engaging learning environment tailored to the needs of adults. Our team of experienced staff and tutors are here to listen, encourage and support our students. Our classes are free, part-time and flexible.

Community links 

Here at DALC, we understand the importance of connection to the wider local community. We work closely with our funders, the City of Dublin Education and Training Board, and are part of the Adult Community Education Forum (ACE) of local community education providers. We are partners in the Learning Neighbourhood, which promotes education opportunities within the area. 

As both a charity and adult education provider, we are also part of national networks such as Aontas, NALA and the Wheel.

At an international level, we host many groups and individuals from Europe under the Erasmus+ programme and have been involved in many projects with partners across Europe.